55 – Laguna Niguel – Custom Kitchen Remodel with Custom Cabinets & Bar

55 – Laguna Niguel – Custom Kitchen Remodel with Custom Cabinets & Bar


The owners of this Laguna Niguel home were very discontent with their original kitchen. Its tight G-shaped layout left little room for the practicalities of cooking, and the lack of illumination made it feel depressing. When we were called in for the renovation, we were more than confident that we could transform this kitchen into a pleasant space with an effervescent atmosphere that the family could enjoy on a daily basis. We started by removing everything, right down to the floors. This gave us room to expand the backyard-facing window so that it ran along the entire outer wall of the kitchen, as well as add a connecting skylight. This change immediately let in more light, making a bright new design possible.
Dark stone tile flooring was installed, which matches beautifully with the charcoal gray granite countertops chosen to mount the new custom cabinets. We built the cabinetry in a traditional style, according to a U-shaped layout, with elegant dark hardware and detailed moulding. A center island with custom posts doubles as a casual dining table. It has built-in spice shelves and other compartments for easy storage. The kitchen’s appliances include stainless steel pieces built right into the cabinetry, as well as a farmhouse sink in front of the window. At the stove area, a shiny white tile backsplash reflects light, and is ornamented by a band of mosaic accent tiles. Around the corner from the kitchen, we also built a bar area with its own countertop, wine rack, and glass-paneled cabinet doors with glass shelves and interior lighting for the display of fine glassware. For the finishing touch, all of the exposed walls were painted in a soft yellow, further enhancing the sunny appeal of this enlivened country kitchen. APlus Kitchen and Bath is prepared to handle all types of home renovations in the Orange County area. Contact our team of professionals today to get a quote for your own remodeling project!